On Target Defense LLC

Are you seeking to obtain your NJ carry permit? The NJ CCW-CCARE and USCCA use of force 2 day class is specifically designed to satisfy all of the requirements put in place to apply for a NJ CCW as well as prepare you for safe and legal concealed carry.

Currently working on getting this course to be a 1-day course as opposed to a 2-day. With NJ requiring it to be an in-person education it has removed the option of using only Zoom. I will update the site as soon as I find a solution. Be sure to read the services page to find out what the breakdown of the 2 days are. Thanks!

Most Popular Services

**We offer a wide range of classes. Visit the Services section for a full description of classes/courses and to sign up!**

USCCA Basic Handgun


This course is about 2.5 hours long. This course covers some of the subjects found in self-defense firearms basics, defensive shooting fundamentals, gear and gadgets, & basic and advanced skills courses. You will receive a USCCA basic handgun certificate upon completion of course. Virtual education via Zoom.

NJ CCW-CCARE and USCCA Use of Force


This course is not for beginners. This course does not grant you permission to carry a firearm. This course upon completion satisfies all requirements put in place by the NJ attorney general to apply for a NJ concealed carry permit. This course is broken up into 2 days, unless notified by me via email after sign up, due to the fact NJ requires the NJ use of force training to be done in person only. Services page goes into more detail on this course.

USCCA Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals


This course is about 7 hours long. This class combines the USCCA concealed carry and the USCCA Home Defense. This is the ultimate class for you to make sure you become empowered to defend you and your family during a self-defense incident. You will receive a USCCA CCHDF certification upon completion of course. Requires passing of written test. In person only.

The 4 universal safety rules to always follow!

1. ALWAYS treat all firearms as though they are loaded.

2. NEVER point your firearm at anything you are not willing to destroy.

3. Keep your finger OFF the trigger and outside the trigger guard until you are on target and have made the decision to shoot.

4. ALWAYS be sure of your target, and know what’s behind, in front of and around the target.

Contact Us

Need more information on classes? Reach out to us and we can help!